Are you an electrical engineer?

Or do you otherwise work at electrical machines, or electromagnetism in general?

Do you have something that’s giving you trouble? Something that you find yourself repeatedly banging your head on?

Like issues with the management, or insulation modeling, say?

I bet you do. I’ve been there, and I know your pain.

Is this you at work?
Is this you at work?

But I can help you out!

I can help you become better at your job (or studies).


But for that purpose, I need your help first.

You see, I’m quite good at solving problems (pardon my self-acclaim here). I’d also like to think that I’m okay at writing down said solutions in an understandable form.

However, what I can’t do is read your mind. This is where you come in.

I want you to spend a few minutes of your time and write down the number one problem in your work or studies in the survey below (along with a few bits of background information).

Based on your answers, I will cover the most common problems here on my website. Or in other words:


I will solve your problems for you!


Or at least do my darnest to point you out in the right direction.

But be quick. Answers are rolling in all the time, and you can’t make your voice heard without speaking out. Or writing. You get my point.

So there you have it. My survey. All I ask is your number one problem, and some very general info. 3 minutes tops.