When analyzing electrical machines, a course, parametric mesh often outperforms a denser mesh. Here’s why, and some progress updates on the topic.

Electric Motor Design, plus stuff
When analyzing electrical machines, a course, parametric mesh often outperforms a denser mesh. Here’s why, and some progress updates on the topic.
The magnetic forces in an electrical machine deform it, and the mechanical stresses influence the magnetics. Read more about this interaction here.
Alright, everyone’s seen electric cars. But what about electric aircraft? Who’s making them, and more importantly: why? Some challenges and benefits here.
How to recruit electrical engineers, or any other professionals in short supply. And how almost everybody is failing at that.
Current supply is commonly used in finite element analysis of electrical machines. Almost as commonly, that’s the wrong solution.
Engineers and mathematicians both love to speak about convergence, often confusing the everloving waste out of each other. Read here to avoid that fate.
How to solve the TEAM Workshop Problem 30a with SMEKlib, plus a comparison between it and Comsol. This time, SMEKlib was 5 times faster.
Electrical machines are often simulated with symmetry sectors and periodicity conditions. This speeds up things a lot, but occasionally leads to weirdness.
Per university rules, I was obligated to have a language check done on my doctoral thesis. Here’s how it went, and how you can buy a beer for me.
You learn the best by teaching. Here’s what I learned by lecturing a Master’s course called Numerical Methods in Electromechanics.